Melbourne, VIC, Australia
I’m specialized in Microsoft technologies and information security. I always willing to ride an extra mile to help the IT community sharing my past experience and technical knoladge.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Deploy SCCM packages to a Security group

I found this article useful and thought of sharing source from

Attached Image: monthly_05_2009/post-1-1242281292.jpg

Active Directory System Group Discovery
Active Directory Security Group Discovery

once done... in Active directory you need to setup a structure for this,

You will need to create some Active Directory Security Groups, and then create an OU in Active Directory and call it Applications Group

Resized to 94% (was 1024 x 682) - Click image to enlargeAttached Image: monthly_05_2009/post-1-1242280608.jpg

now, you need to create your corresponding Collections in SCCM,

so lets create three new collections

Office 2003
Computers in the Office 2003 Security Group
Users in the Office 2003 Security Group

Attached Image: monthly_05_2009/post-1-1242280783.jpg

The two sub collections will have separate queries to determine their contents:

The query for Computers in the Office 2003 Security Group shall be

.SMSUniqueIdentifier,SMS_R_SYSTEM.ResourceDomainORWorkgroup,SMS_R_SYSTEM.Client from SMS_R_System where SMS_R_System.SystemGroupName = "SCCM2007\\Office 2003 Users"

so from the above, SCCM2007=your domain and Office 2003 Users is the Active Directory Sercurity Group you added Computer Objects to.

Note: To define collection queries please read this post

The query for Users in the Office 2003 Security Group shall be

select SMS_R_USER.ResourceID,SMS_R_USER.ResourceType,SMS_R_USER.Name,SMS_R_USER.UniqueU
,SMS_R_USER.WindowsNTDomain from SMS_R_User where UserGroupName = "sccm2007\\Office 2003 Users"

Now you can target these sub collections with software to install, so in this case you would target the collections above with an advertisement to install Microsoft Office 2003.

once done, you can start adding computer or user objects to the respective Active Directory Group in active directory, and based on your Discovery Methods schedule they will appear within the correct Collection

Resized to 67% (was 1440 x 286) - Click image to enlargeAttached Image: monthly_05_2009/post-1-1242286793.jpg

and based on the collection they are in they will receive the correct advertisement,

Attached Image: monthly_05_2009/post-1-1242286956.jpg

as this is a common question, I have renamed the topic, and pinned it.

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